
Saturday, 15 October 2016

How to Create an Awesome (Harmless) Computer Virus Prank (Fake Virus)!!!

Create an awesome computer Virus prank, this is harmless and does not affect anything, this is the secure way to create prank virus.

The only thing you need to create this virus is just notepad.No need of any other softwares or big coding.

Just follow the below given simple steps to create it.

  • Open notepad.  
  • Now copy the text given below into notepad.
X=MsgBox("Error while opening the computetr.Do u want to fix it?",4+64,"Computer")
X=MsgBox("Unable to fix this ERROR.Do u want to scan for virus?",3+48,"Computer scan")
X=MsgBox("Unable to scan.Virus activated",2+16,"ALERT")
X=MsgBox("Virus copying your password.",2+48,"ALERT")
X=MsgBox("Your computer is hacked.",1+64,"HACKED")

  • Now save this notepad file with name "my computer.vbs".Change the icon of this file like my computer.
  • Copy this file to your friends computer.
Whenever your friend tries to open my computer he will have to face this problem.

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